Two euro helps twice – scholarship for Peter-Kweku

Two euro helps twice – these amount Peter needs a day to continue his study. Two euro for you is the price of an ice cream or a beer or a couple of croissants = many (too many?) calories :-). Giving very little you support Peter and help yourself.

Peter Abakah, 21 years old, Moree, Central Region, Ghana:

I was born on Wednesday (from here my Fante name: Kweku), although, according to my personal ID, my birthday is 21 July 1989 (Friday). And it is typical for my town: the majority of people here does not know their dates of birthday, except the day of week they were born on (Monday, Tuesday…).

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When I was still a baby my father died. My mother sells vegetables at the local market and hardly manages to earn living for herself, my younger sister, and my grandmother. All of them live in a single room without electricity.

After I finished primary school (6 years), my mother sent me to a public Junior High School (J.H.S.) in Moree (3 years). So, I finished the J.H.S. in 2005 when I was 16. After that I wished to continue my education to a secondary high school (3 years), but my mother could not afford to pay school fees which are generally high in Ghana.

My dream finally came true in 2010 when during my volunteering at the Freespirit Library in Moree I met 2 other volunteers (Alex from Ukraine and Dorota from Italy). After I had told them my story they decided to help me to continue my education. So since mid-January 2011 I have been studying at the Central Grammar Secondary School in Kakumdo (near Cape Coast).

Costs associated with my studies are as follows:
1) Admission fee: 190 GHc (Ghana Cedis);
2) School fees: 90 GHc/term or 270 GHc/year (3 school terms per academic year);
3) 1-year rent of a room in Kakumdo: 13 GHc/month or 156 GHc/year;
4) Board: 60 GHc/month;
5) Books&stationary: approx. 80 GHc/year;
6) Personal expenses (transportation, electricity bills etc): 20 GHc/month.

In total: 1466 GHc (approx.733,00 euro)/school year

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After I finish my school I’d like to become a teacher and, at the same time, do a part-time university program. As an educated and successful person I will be able to support my family and contribute to a positive change in the local community. I realize now what helping others means, and I would like to help others in the near future.

I want to say thank you to the following people who have helped me so far:
1) Anna Kulbacka
2) Ryszard Wojtowicz
3) Jerzy Sawko –
4) Dorota Kowalska –
5) Alex Ryndyk –
6) Claudia Nucifora.
7) Halina Prostak –

I will be very grateful for any further support of my studies.

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In November 2014, Peter pass the last exams… We are very happy of this… Thanks again for your help!

Pagella 2014

This is Peter’s exams certificate 2014

One thought on “Two euro helps twice – scholarship for Peter-Kweku

  1. shakur

    woow am very impressed with how the white were able to help u.Fellow Ghanaians let make effort to help those in similar situations. PEACE i rest my case

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